Forests. Water. Wildlife.
The Geodesic Workshop of Communication Design was hired to revitalize the identity and branding and communications strategy of The Lands Council. The Lands Council is a non-profit organization acting as stewards to the forests, waters, and wildlife of the Inland Northwest.
They required a revised identity along with some expanded visuals to better identify the various facets of the organization. The specific demographic was defined as potentially environmentally conscious "Millennials". We still work with them in an advisee position while still designing on occasion for them as well. The Brewftop Party, was an annual beer themed rooftop party which we co-created, designed, and marketed for.

Banner created for release party and subsequent events showing the revised logo (a very slightly modernized version of the original). Also showing are the six "badges" created to identify the various facets of the Lands Council as an organization.

WEBSITE MOCKUP: Proposed website mockup with notes. Research went into maximizing new members and donations while still being true to the mission of The Lands Council and what they represented. Unfortunately another company had already been contracted out for this website.

WEBSITE MOCKUP: Donation modal offering samples of donations. The goal was that donators would know what their money was going to.

Brewftop party/event poster

Postcards for the first two years of Brewftop

These cards were printed live and featured at the Brewftop party.

First bumper sticker created as official "SWAG" of The Lands Council.