We were fortunate enough to work alongside Treatment on a project for Open Washington, a creative commons based, public domain open educational resource (OER) founded by the SBCTC (Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges) in the development of Open Wa's new identity and branding system.
The Geodesic Workshop (then known as Grasswerks) specifically focused on a wide variety of ideas (as demanded by the client) that could be translated not only to the website, but to the extended network of OERs throughout the country on A system of icons needed to be created that worked as part of Open Wa's own directory on the Commons site to indicate varying fields of educational resources (such as Biology, History, Earth Sciences, etc.)
Showing are the majority of the variety of potential identities created. These are taken directly from the presentations to the client to show the included notes for each concept. Each concept shows the evolution of the design itself.

As noted, the idea behind this concept as well as it's similar ideas, was to provide a straight forward take on the Creative Commons identity. The goal wasn't to copy it as much as show that they were part of the same substance.